About Dread Poet Society

At Dread Poet Society, our mission is to empower self-expression and creativity through high-quality, ethically sourced wool for dreadlock hair extensions. With hundreds of wool breeds to choose from, finding the perfect fiber for your style can be overwhelming—especially when most suppliers cater to spinners and felters rather than dreadlock artists.

I created Dread Poet Society as a singular destination for dreadlock artists to discover the ideal fibers for their craft, with a vision to make this artisan craft more accessible, while celebrating a global community tens of thousands strong! By providing detailed breed information tailored specifically to the dreadlock extension community, we bring together an entire community's expertise to help artists perfect their work and express their individuality.

Dread Poet Society is meant to be more than a fiber arts store—it’s a hub of knowledge, creativity, and connection for those who love the artistry and the journey of wool dreadlock extensions.

I may have created this store, but WE as a community created Dread Poet Society. It would not be here without every single one of you.

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